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(Hi)Story of Azhagi

 2002  June - The Hindu ( Input English, output Tamil)


"... it has a 'very fast English-Tamil key mapping' making it user-friendly. It is loaded with several exciting features..."  

"After quitting his job with a software firm, the software architect used his convalescence period to create AzhagiNo.1"

Full Story - Click here

 2003  June - Jaya TV (Kaalai Malar)

Program Details

'Kaalai Malar' featured the author of Azhagi as a special guest in its 'sirappu virundhinar' program (04-06-2003), to talk in detail on Azhagi and briefly on corporate management too.  

Still - Click here

 2003  Oct - Sun TV (Arattai Arangam)

Program Details

Shri. Visu introduced the Author of Azhagi as an "Outstanding Achiever" on Independence day (15-08-2003) in 'Neyveli' Arattai Arangam program. An introductory demo of Azhagi was also shown. The demo was telecasted to countries worldwide, on 19-10-2003. Azhagi's author remains ever indebted to Mr.Visu & his team for this act of immense benevolence.

Still - Click here

 2003  Nov - The Hindu (Innovative, despite odds)


"Viswanathan, who suffers from a rare disease, has developed a user-friendly English-to-Tamil transliteration software."

"Viswanathan is a one-man software team. He has developed Azhagi, an English-to-Tamil transliteration software that will be useful for Tamils the world over."  

"This 35-year-old suffers from a debilitating illness, colitis, which affects one in a million. Colitis is the inflammation of the lining of the colon, which constitutes the major portion of the large intestine. Viswanathan can lead a normal life between bouts of illness. Approximately, four months separate two attacks. There is no telling when a sufferer will get an attack. He often becomes skin and bone overnight. Viswanathan loses about 10 kg during an attack. What is worse, the pain is excruciating. As there is no cure for this disease, he has learnt to live with it. "

"A software professional with the Tata Consultancy Services, Viswanathan turned in his papers in 1997 because his illness interfered with his work. ... ... In 2000, he successfully put the project to bed. Azhagi was born."

"Why did he name the software Azhagi? 'Because, it symbolises my wife's `beautiful` heart', comes the reply."

Full story - here   |   ALL about me, a NOTHING entity - here

Special note: By God's grace, I am quite fine now, "relatively". For more details, read the last section of this page.

 2003  Nov - Sun TV (Vanakkam Thamizhagam)

Program Details

'Vanakkam Thamizhagam' featured the Author in its 50th episode of 'namma oor vigngnani' program (21-11-03).

Still - Click here

 2004  July - Chennaionline.com (Computer Expert)


"Most of the Tamil families who have migrated to foreign lands are keen on following Tamil tradition and expect their children to learn their mother tongue. To them, Viswanathan's research has come as a boon."

"Viswanathan has resolved to do as much as he can as long as he can. He is always on the lookout for the use of his knowledge and experience in computer technology for inventing devices so that the community as a whole would benefit. ... ... God has willed him as a unique person in the Tamil software world."

"Viswanathan is very much devoted to Sai Baba and his mother Indira, and so he has named the core Tamil font as Sai-Indira."

"There is no doubt Viswanathan would climb higher and higher with his will power, hard work, innovative mind, loving and caring wife and son, the blessings of Sai Baba and his beloved mother Indira and the good wishes of the millions of people who benefit by his invention."

Full Story - Click here

 2004  Nov6- Nilacharal.com (Thamizh Valarkkum Arignar)


“.. ... ..... ..., அதையே ஒரு தூண்டுகோலாக / பாலமாக / வரமாக ('அழகி' தமிழ் மென்பொருள் செய்ய) அமைத்த இறைவனுக்கு நன்றி

Full Story - Click here (for reading in Unicode - in full) or here (for reading the same in Tscii - in 3 parts)

 2008  June - Mazhalaigal.com (Transliteration with Azhagi)


"The transliteration scheme of Azhagi is unique in the sense that the letters which are most natural for every sound are chosen as the phonetic equivalents"

Full Story - Click here

 2013  Feb - The Hindu (Same words, many languages)


"And, ahem, googling helped us find Azhagi and what a beauty!"
"It's fast and furious ..."

Full Story - Click here

 2009 - May 2021 

If you have reached this section directly without reading my excruciating past on the health front, then kindly read this and then read the following.

Well, by God's grace, I am quite fine now, 'relatively'. But, the extreme severity^ of Colitis (coupled with extremely acute Amoebiasis/AmoebicColitis many a times) for more than a decade (until 2003 or so) and due to the intake of steroids/antibiotics during the treatment of the disease, and because of mild# exacerbations of Colitis once in a while, my immune system is not normal, so to say. It causes it's own set of problems (some occurring almost daily [more so at night times, like 'allergic rhinitis'^^ - which anyway I am having since 1987 or so] and some others [for instance, severe sinus infection leading to bleeding through nose] at different intervals of time). I also experience frequent bowel movements daily and uncontrollable bowel movements at times. So, except under certain circumstances (like meeting the doctor or anything very important), I rarely venture out of my premises. Well, in 2011, I contracted a 'new' ailment (of the eyes) called UVEitis, the most possible cause for which I can think of is me working on Azhagi late into night and sometimes even the whole night through, without sleeping. It was a painful illness as usual, for which also the treatment was through 'steroid' drops only [which 'steroid' treatment led to early cataract** in both eyes, since Dec 2012]. Due to this, since 2011, quite a few 'abrupt' and 'prolonged' interruptions (sometimes, even for more than a month) in my works related to enhancements in Azhagi/Azhagi+. Frustrating indeed, whenever such interruptions occur, when I am in full flow, enhancing Azhagi+. Well, I hasten to add the fact that 1000s of beings are suffering 1000s of times more than me - physically/mentally/spiritually. So, no complaints whatsoever with respect to my sufferings (physical or otherwise). The frustration or concern is about the recurring, abrupt and prolonged interruptions only. The more the interruptions, the lesser my contributing times to society. Thats my frustration, at times. But then, "benefitted" users' appreciative mails and phone calls keep coming in from different parts of the world to keep me motivated and marching ahead fearlessly. I just need your silent prayers. Nothing more. You need not even inform me. Just kindly say a little prayer, if and when you can, for all those who are suffering in this universe.

(^^) Due to extremely severe sinusitis, I underwent an endoscopic sinus surgery in September 2007. Since mid 2008 or so, I am on a daily dose of Montek LC Kid which has kept my hellish rhinitis under good control on most of the days.

(#) I had one mid-severe exacerbation too in June 2013. It was coupled with extremely acute gastritis (for the first time in my life, as far as I can remember). This exacerbation necessitated hospitalisation for 3 days. Had to undergo colonoscopy. No malignancy found. In regular allopathic medication since then.

(**) I had a successful cataract surgery for my left eye on Feb 9, 2017. I had a successful cataract surgery for my right eye on Jan 24, 2019. Now that I have New lens placed in both my eyes, Uveitis will not recur again. I pray to God that I face no more health problems so that I can work uninterruptedly for the welfare of the society.

(^) At one point of time, the severity of Colitis (which i contracted in 1989) was at it's extreme. To originate* a unique and novel software like Azhagi and to do its designing/coding/testing and website creation/enhancement all alone was a highly challenging task. And to do the same with ordinary computer and internet facilities amidst a torturous and tortuous ailment like Colitis was an extremely gruelling experience. And, during those painful times, what remained as a great source of strength was the emails received from users and the love/affection regularly showered by some of them over email/phone. Few of them have become my family friends itself. Never can I forget those special children of God. And if Azhagi is being used today worldwide, its all due to them, primarily. And, my gratitude to them ever remains the foremost.

(*) As mentioned elsewhere in this page, I quit my job (as a software professional) permanently in 1997, owing to the extreme severity of my disease. Azhagi was originated during 1998-1999, by God's grace. It was released on the internet for free in 1999-2000, using free hosting services available at that time like tripod, tamilzone, vsnl etc. Azhagi was FULLY free initially but in early 2002 I was forced to make a 'part' of it commercial due to certain odd/unexpected events of the immediate past, but again by God's will. I have to say that I was a "man doing business" during that period (as opposed to being a BusinessMan). This very site www.azhagi.com also got registered in 2002, thanks to the initiative of Ganesh Chandra, editor of tamiloviam.com. Azhagi got commended by Microsoft's BhashaIndia in 2006 and also won Manthan Award 2006. Since late 2008##, I have made 'Azhagi' FULLY free again, by God's will.

By the by, I take this opportunity to let you know that I am a person in evolution, striving hard to perfect myself 100%. In this process of evolution, I have realised certain things. One of them is about awards. If you are interested, you can read my views on awards here and here . And, true to my words (in the aforesaid links), whichever institution approached me (2007 onwards) to give an award to me, I have very politely informed my disinclination to receive their award. Coming back to the task of perfecting myself (an utterly insignificant entity), I have a long long long long long long [perhaps multiplied by infinity] way to go to perfect myself 100%.

(##) For certain reasons, since 2006 or so, I have completely stayed away from giving interviews to press/tv (the article in 'The Hindu' in 2013 was an exception - it was written without interviewing me, which was/is welcome by me). I have very politely informed my disinclination to the media (press/tv) in this regard, whenever they contact me. This is with regard to myself. Otherwise, anything done voluntarily by 'any entity' (including the 'media') to spread the news of Azhagi, Azhagi+ and ALL software of their kind is always welcome by me, as it immensely benefits the society - as expounded by me in spread.php.

Thanks for reading, whatsoever you were able to find time to read in this page.

- B. Viswanathan

"There never was, there never will be, nor is there now, a person who is wholly blamed or wholly praised."
- Lord Buddha

Azhagi - God's Own Apps - Videos
Videos on On Tamil typing using Azhagi+
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Videos on SITA (SaiIndira TAmil) Self-Typing fonts
SITA fonts - Unique and first of their kind - Click here for full details
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Videos On Indic typing using Azhagi+
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Videos on AAW, AAE
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Videos on Azhagi++
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Video on Alt+3 vs Alt+4
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na=ந, ee=ஈ, oo=ஊ
wa=ந, ee=ஏ, oo=ஓ
Videos on Portable Azhagi+
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