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Tamil Fonts Converter

A "first of its kind" and extraordinary Tamil fonts converter. Among other exquisite features (super-fast plain text conversion), Azhagi's converter can do conversion of formatted text too - directly inside 'MS Word' documents itself - thereby retaining all formatting - Bold/Italics/Underline, Color, Alignment, Tables, etc. etc. etc. - of all your Tamil text. The converter is extendable by the user himself/herself - to convert from ANY Tamil font encoding to ANY other Tamil font encoding. The 45 Tamil font encodings supported (as on March 2022) are: Unicode, SaiIndira, TSCII, TAB, TAM, Bamini & TamilBible, Vanavil, Shreelipi, STMZH, LT-TM [same as IndoWord], Gee_Tamil, DCI+Tml+Ismail, SunTommy, ELCOT-ANSI, ELCOT-Bilingual, Diamond, Amudham, Ka, Shree, Mylai Plain, TACE, Elango, Periyar, Priya, Chenet Platinum, KrutiTamil, TM-TTValluvar, Roja, MCL Kannamai, Baamini [not the same as Bamini], Needhimathi, Pandian, TBoomiS, APT-Sangam, Dev, TA-Arul, Sashi, Ganesha, Lakshmi, Tamil-Aiswarya, Adhawin, TmlCheran, Avaice Jasmine, KavipPriya, Vikatan.

For full features list, please click here

For a very important help tip regarding 'disabling all autoformat and autocorrect options in MS-Word' (prior to effecting conversion, in certain cases), please read this facebook post

For demo videos, please see the following:
  • Best Tamil Fonts Converter - அழகி+ எழுத்துரு மாற்றியின் தனித்துவமான சிறப்பம்சங்கள்

  • How to quite easily convert from one Tamil font to another Tamil font, using Azhagi+

  • Using Azhagi+, how to very easily convert from ANY Tamil font to another (Directly inside MSWord documents too!)

  • உங்களிடமுள்ள தமிழ் Font, அழகி+இன் 45 NonUnicode Fontகளில் எதனுடன் பொருந்துகிறது என கண்டறிவது எப்படி?

  • Tamil font encoding conversion for plain texts - Youtube Video

  • Tamil font encoding conversion for a whole MS Word document - Youtube Video

  • Tamil font encoding conversion for selected portion of an MS Word document - Youtube Video

  • Note: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMCJ4daUuGM - In addition# to other things on Azhagi+, this video explains (from 8'55" to 10'40") a particular feature of Azhagi+'s Tamil Fonts Converter too - which is as to how to effect plain text Tamil fonts conversion (for e.g. 'Unicode to STMZH' Tamil font conversion).
    (#) The video primarily explains, in 'zoomed in' mode, the important aspects of Azhagi+, to help one to type in the widely used Adobe PhotoShop and Adobe Illustrator applications, using the very popular STMZH and RGB Tamil fonts.
Thanks a TON to Sri Raguveeradayal for the last 3 videos above.

Using the converter
Using the converter for plain text Tamil fonts conversion is extremely simple. For example, if you wish to convert from Unicode encoding (i.e. from Tamil texts in Latha, Vijaya, Nirmala Ui, etc. fonts) to Bamini font encoding (i.e. Tamil text in Bamini font), then, all you have to do is simply the following.
  • Choose Unicode for 'from this font encoding'.
  • Choose Bamini for 'to this font encoding'.
  • Paste your Unicode text in the left side box.
  • Click on 'Convert' button.
  • The converted text will appear in the right side box.
  • Thats all to it. You can copy/paste the converted text in the right side to wherever you want to.
  • Note: 'Latha' and 'Bamini' are automatically chosen by the converter itself since Latha is of Unicode encoding and Bamini is of Bamini encoding.
  • Please see screenshot below for better understanding.

In a similar manner, the following steps will help you convert texts in 'SaiIndira' font to Unicode.
  • Choose 'SaiIndira' for 'from this font encoding'.
  • Choose 'Unicode' for 'to this font encoding'.
  • Paste your Tamil text in 'SaiIndira' font in the left side box.
  • Click on 'Convert' button.
  • The converted text will appear in the right side box, in Unicode.
  • That is all to it. You can copy/paste the converted text in the right side box to wherever you want to.
  • Please see this screenshot below for better understanding.
  • Note: A font like 'Latha' is automatically chosen by the converter itself since 'Latha' is of Unicode encoding.

Important note
  • If you own a font whose name (e.g. Kalaham) does not match with any of the names in the existing 'Font Encodings' list# of Azhagi, it does not mean you cannot effect to-and-fro conversion using that font. It is very much possible that your font is of the same encoding as one of the font encodings already supported by Azhagi. For instance, 'Kalaham' font is of the same encoding as 'Bamini' font.

  • So, if you wish to effect conversion from 'Kalaham' font to any other font encoding, then just select 'Bamini' in the 'from this font encoding' list of Azhagi's Font Converter, before effecting conversion.

  • Similarly, if you wish to effect conversion from any other font encoding to 'Kalaham' font, then just select 'Bamini' in the 'to this font encoding' list of Azhagi's Font Converter before effecting conversion.

Sample screenshots

Azhagi - God's Own Apps - Videos
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na=ந, ee=ஈ, oo=ஊ
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