100+ languages                     Never-Before-Seen Features                      Free Support


My Contacts | 100% Free Help | Kind Requests

100% free 'Azhagi' Apps | 100% free 'support' for them | Few important 'requests'
நேரடி உதவி வேண்டுமெனில் (அலைபேசியில் - தமிழில் உரையாடியே) இங்கே கிளிக் செய்யவும். இதுவும் இலவச உதவியே!
phonecontact_phone   contact_phonephone
You can avail help over phone/whatsapp too (apart from email or facebook messenger), if you wish to avail the same. For details, click here. This help too is 100% free!......

God is Great. As soon as your time permits (and, if possible, even before starting to read the ways and means [which follow hereunder] of getting help on Azhagi free apps), please read my requests herein (initially placed as an announcement on 14 Feb, 2019) and please be utmostly kind while seeking help. Thanks.

You can easily get 'free' (100% free) support/help, for any of your queries, in any of the following ways:
  • Please read join-azhagi-facebook-group.php fully and act accordingly. Mostly, myself (author, Azhagi free apps) or Shri. Gopalan sir (group expert, Azhagi facebook group) would reply.

  • Please read free-support-for-azhagi-regarding-shri-gopalan-sir.php fully and act accordingly. You can get help from Shri. Gopalan sir directly. You have the option to get help from him over phone even, if its okay for you.

    Alternatively, you may also get in touch with Shri. Muralitharan. He is also ready to help you directly, but 'mostly' over phone only, if that's perfectly okay for you. His Youtube channel is here - youtube.com/@LeoTechTamil. Links to many of his videos on Azhagi can be found in several pages of azhagi.com (esp. at the pages' footer). The way to contact Shri. Muralitharan is to write to him in facebook messenger and as and when he sees your message(s), he will promptly share his phone number with you and thereafter you can call him directly over phone at a mutually convenient time. Shri. Muralitharan is conversant in speaking in Tamil only.

    Please note that the 'free' voluntary help offered by both Shri. Gopalan sir and Shri. Muralitharan are on their own volition. Both of them are ardent well-wishers of Azhagi free apps and ardent users of one or more Azhagi free apps.

  • Please write in Azhagi's Community Chat page. Either myself or Thiru. Gopalan aiyaa would reply.

  • Before posting/asking your queries in either of the above 3 ways, kindly please go through this elaborate Checklist. Sometimes, the answer to your queries can be easily found therein itself.

  • The 'help yourself' ways:
    • Viewing the 100+ youtube video demos on Azhagi free apps.

    • Visiting Azhagi's Youtube Channel at https://youtube.com/@Azhagi-Transliteration-Apps and viewing the very many playlists therein, esp. these - 1 (AzhagiPlus - General), 2 (Specific to Photoshop/AfterEffects/Illustrator/Etc. Tamil typing), 3 (Specific to typing in STMZH Tamil fonts), 4 (AzhagiPlusPlus - General).

    • Reading the extensive and elaborate FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) and help tips at helptips.php, esp. this very important Checklist.

    • Few of the very many useful links which you may find in the abovementioned FAQ page are - anytamilfont.php (type/convert in/from/to "ANY" Tamil font), anytamilfont-t.php (தமிழில்), steps-regular.php, steps-in-tamil-regular.php (தமிழில்), steps-portable.php, steps-in-tamil-portable.php (தமிழில்), changecreate.php, etc., etc.

    • If you are a native speaker of Tamil, then, dear brother shri.Nithi Anand's முத்தான முப்பது பதிவுகள் are here - shri-nithi-anand.php, for you to read and 'get help' OR 'get benefited with the information provided'.

    • The inbuilt help of Azhagi+. i.e. help available from inside of Azhagi+ app itself via 'Help->Contents' menu item, the many other items under 'Help' menu, the various help menu items under the various other menus of Azhagi+, the web links and info in the 4 text boxes in the opening screen of Azhagi+, the various help buttons in the opening screen of Azhagi+, etc., etc., etc.

    • If your queries are specific to graphics designing and dtp software like 'Adobe Photoshop', InDesign, Illustrator, Premiere Pro, Filmora, CorelDraw, Pagemaker, etc., then please visit pagemaker-photoshop.php. ALL the help you need are present therein, both in video/images and text formats.

    • The variety of questions answered in Azhagi Facebook Group. It's a very very vast resource. One easy way to know whether your query could have been answered in the group is to search in it. For e.g., if you need to convert images or PDFs to editable texts (i.e. OCR), then visit the group and search on 'OCR' or 'PDF to editable Tamil text' (using the search box provided by Facebook and not the browser).

    • the very many questions answered in Quora on Azhagi, in Tamil too (தமிழிலும்) - many of them with screenshots and links to video demos.

    • Actually, it is not just Azhagi apps. There are several Indic apps which may come handy to you but you are not aware of them. Take a look at indic.php for various other Indic apps - You can even do speech-to-text and text-to-speech in Indian/world languages using Google translator.

    • You can also search in general (for e.g. "how to do voice typing?") in Google search or YouTube's search box and you will get 100s of help links leading to various other software which help in language computing.

My Kind and Very Humble Requests (initially placed as an announcement here on 14th Feb 2019, my dearest amma's birthday)
(Note: My dearest amma, after going through a period of severe struggle and pain, reached the Lotus Feet of our Beloved God on Thursday the 23rd of May 2019, to remain in Bliss therein forever)
  1. Please read this

  2. I am not asking any user (or any other entity, for that matter) any money/support in any way. I am not going to do that in the future too. I am not seeking even donations from anybody. I do not host any advertisements either - in my site or in my apps. I do not earn anything out of my own too. My better half only earns. I don't. I am not funded by anybody to do my work either. I am just an individual. A non-entity, actually. God is everything. I am nothing. Not even zero. I am NOTHING. So, kindly take some few minutes at least, to get to read the history of Azhagi and also about me and my motto and always please be kind, kind, and doubly kind - towards me, Azhagi and any other persons (for instance, supremely noble souls like Shri. Gopalan aiyaa and Shri. Nithi Anand) who are "voluntarily" helping you out on Azhagi apps.

  3. If at all your time permits, please visit Azhagi's support forum - https://www.facebook.com/groups/Azhagi - expand all posts/threads to see all the comments and subcomments under a thread. You will understand the extreme lengths and breadths and depths to which I have answered queries of users of varied kinds (individuals, professionals, businessmen, companies, commercial establishments, government offices, lawyers, doctors, engineers, auditors, astrologers, policemen, teachers, students, farmers, organisations, institutions, schools, churches, temples, clergymen, devotees, priests, seekers, religious people, political people, media people, NGOs, hotels, caterers, social workers, story tellers, translators, book-writers, publishers, website builders, NPOs, singers, composers, directors, screenplay writers, script writers, meme creators, multimedia developers, videographers, DTP centers, blog writers, webzine editors, story writers, magazine editors, media houses, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc. - there are umpteen kinds of users), ever since the support group's formal activation. And, all this FOR FREE. 100% Free. You can keep on scrolling/expanding the Azhagi Facebook Group support forum webpage and it will seem never-ending. And, this is not the only place I have given support. Until 2018 or so, I have given a whole lot of support (i.e. my time, health and energy) over Email, Phone, Whatsapp, Google Group, Facebook Messenger, etc. too. I have not expected anything from anybody, for myself, for all this. So, as an user (esp. if you are a long-time user) OR as a day-to-day immense beneficiary of Azhagi free apps (whoever and wherever you are) OR both, kindly please effect on a regular basis, at least a few of my requests in my contribute.php web page (no money is asked therein; no material is asked therein), so that many more of the society get benefited, in much the same way you have got benefited immensely so far. Some of these requests do not take more than a second of your time to effect. Thanks.

    Very Very Humbly Yours

Other Indic software
  • There are various other useful Indic software (free and commercial), incl. those developed by Google and Microsoft. I myself have listed and written about many of them at my azhagi.com/indic page. So, you are at liberty to opt to start using any of them. For any doubts in those software, you can always read/see those software's help resources OR opt to write to the authors of those software and seek help from them. Request for any new features too, you can place to the respective authors. In this connection, you can opt to write to Microsoft or Google even. In other words, all the time, you have the choice to be not to be entirely dependent on Azhagi apps alone. So, in case you feel a particular unique feature of Azhagi apps needs enhancement and if I am not having the necessary resources (health, time, money, energy, etc.) to work on the same further, I sincerely feel that you may please kindly write to one or more of Google, Microsoft, etc. so that they can easily create a societally immensely beneficial software like Azhagi, afresh itself (with ALL the features you wish for, unique or otherwise), if at all they wish to.
Take ownership
  • Of course Microsoft, Google, etc. can take ownership of such above-mentioned beneficial software too (for free of course) and enhance them (for free of course) to the maximum extent. As far as Azhagi is concerned, in case of such 'ownership-taking', I shall remain 'completely in the oblivion' (with 'absolutely no strings attached'; the name of the application can be changed to something else too instead of 'Azhagi') but only "the promise" that the product will be maintained free of cost (as it was earlier) at all times and promoted to the bestEST extent possible. I have written about this kind of 'ownership-taking' in full detail - here and also in this facebook post of mine, dated 2019. I wroteIn this connection, please read my inno-help.php and inno.php pages fully. Thanks.

My email
  • My email ids are "BIRTHLESS.DEATHLESS at GMAIL dot COM" and "NOBLEHEARTED at GMAIL dot COM". If you wish to email me in order to clarify any doubts in Azhagi, then I would request you to first read this important annoucement fully and thoroughly and act accordingly.

  • If you wish to email me for purposes other than clarifying doubts in Azhagi, then please read Important Note below before emailing.

  • Important Note:
      I reside in Chennai, India. I develop/enhance Azhagi/Azhagi+ applications and maintain azhagi.com - alone#, from my home - ever since Azhagi's inception in 1999/2000. Due to health considerations and other genuine personal reasons, I am not in a position to meet anybody in person, whatever be your motive* to meet me. I do feel "extremely" sorry about this but very hopeful that you will understand nevertheless. My "deepest" apologies for my disinclination in this regard.

      (#) In reality, one can never say Azhagi/Azhagi+ is a one-man software team, because, without my well-wishers and their timely support/encouragement, I (an utter non-entity) could never have prodded along alone for these many years (since 1999). And, Azhagi/Azhagi+ would never have reached worldwide. I ever remain indebted to my well-wishers. Ultimately, thanks to the Lord Almighty ever, for all and everything.

      (*) For instance, even if your motive is to just see me in person or just convey your thanks in person or just have a few minutes of friendly talk. I feel that even that half an hour or one hour which is spent in seeing me and conversing with me, a NOTHING entity (not even zero; just NOTHING) shall be spent by both of us in some noble activity^^ which is of use to the society.

      God is Great. Praise the Lord. I will continue to strive my best to remain a NOTHING entity.

      Thanks for reading the above note and thanks for your understanding.

      (^^) For instance, you may kindly read my humble request at motto-love-all-serve-all-help-ever-hurt-never.php#a-kind-and-humble-request and see what best you can do about it. If you indeed do something about it on a regular basis, that alone would give me the utmost happiness. Because, though I am nothing (and hence utterly insignificant), Azhagi apps are immensely significant since they keep helping the society enormously, day in and day out.

      Humbly Yours
      B. Viswanathan (author, Azhagi/Azhagi+)

My twitter account

About me

My apps - 100% free - to all  |  My support - 100% free - to all
Azhagi's home

More on Azhagi

Related pages

    Wikipedia pages too exist for Azhagi - here (in English) and here (in Tamil). Like the facebook group and facebook page, these Wikipedia pages were also initiated by Mr. Dineshkumar and Sri AKR respectively. Wikipedia page on myself is here. This, as well, was initiated by Mr. Dineshkumar.

Your contribution
    Kindly please see contribute.php (as well as spread.php). Therein, I have NOT sought any monetary contribution for me. So, please do visit and read the aforementioned pages and see what best you can do, if at all possible.

    I see that some of those who post video demos on Azhagi in Youtube mention either direct download links (e.g. https://www.azhagi.com/sai/plus/new2/AzhagiPlus-Setup.exe) OR external download links for Azhagi (e.g. a link in mediafire.com cloud storage service) in their video description or comments. I request the creators of such Youtube videos to NOT to do so and give only links which always lead one to a page in azhagi.com (and NOT to a direct download link or any other site like mediafire.com), wherefrom one can download Azhagi apps.

Azhagi - God's Own Apps - Videos
Videos on On Tamil typing using Azhagi+
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Videos on SITA (SaiIndira TAmil) Self-Typing fonts
SITA fonts - Unique and first of their kind - Click here for full details
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Videos On Indic typing using Azhagi+
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Videos on AAW, AAE
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Videos on Azhagi++
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Video on Alt+3 vs Alt+4
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na=ந, ee=ஈ, oo=ஊ
wa=ந, ee=ஏ, oo=ஓ
Videos on Portable Azhagi+
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