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Your NON-monetary NON-material contribution to Azhagi

Related page: My Motto

What and how you can contribute

(Note: Kindly please read and act upon the following only if your time/interest/mood/situation permits. Not otherwise. In other words, kindly read and act upon the following only on a 'voluntary' basis. Not otherwise. There is absolutely no compulsion on my part, whatsoever.)
  • Kindly please read spread.php#a-kind-and-humble-request and see what best you can do. This is my first & foremost request. Some of the ways I have suggested in spread.php to spread the news of Azhagi apps will not take more than a few seconds of your time.

  • If you can come forward to make "voluntary" demo videos/presentations/tutorials for Azhagi+ (AzhagiPlus), nothing like that. Please see/read demos.php in this regard.

  • You can provide XML files (as in https://azhagi.com/xmls) OR transliteration text files (as in anytamilfont.php). Please see ack.php#rkn in this regard.

  • You can join Azhagi's Facebook Group and make new posts to share your happy experiences on how Azhagi proved useful to you and the society. Amidst my various difficulties, these kinds of posts will serve as a great and constant motivating factor for me. This will help others also to realise in what all ways the society is getting benefited through Azhagi apps. That will motivate them to spread the news of Azhagi more and more so that more and more of the society get benefited. So, please post (not as some comments for an existing post but as fresh posts). If it is not possible at all to post your testimonials in Azhagi's Facebook Group, then kindly at least email the same to me at NOBLEHEARTED @ GMAIL.COM.

  • You can email me your helpful suggestions on how or in what all ways Azhagi can be enhanced. You can also report errors (if any and genuine) you encounter, to my email.

  • You may please see my societal request at tutorials-writeups-in-quora.php#a-kind-and-humble-request and do your level best to spread the news of as many Quora answers on Azhagi as possible, so that many more of the society get benefited.

  • You can do translations of one or more of azhagi.com's web pages into Indian languages. It would be of great help to many users. Kindly contact me at my email address (noblehearted at gmail dot com). I will let you know as to which of the pages require immediate attention in this regard. Some of the translations done by dear users are - author.php (an English translation of aasiriyar.php), https://www.facebook.com/groups/Azhagi/permalink/1551412148231673/ (Kannada and Hindi translations of a particular portion of the aforesaid 'author.php' page)

  • You (esp. if you are a developer) can create comprehensive word lists for various languages (Tamil, Hindi, etc.) and share them for use with Azhagi apps. It will be of enormous help to the society. Expanding on the word lists, you can attempt creating a dictionary too (for various languages) using Excel or any other appropriate tool.

  • For those of you who mail/phone me affectionately, conveying your deep wish to contribute to me monetarily:
    • I request you to kindly identify# a needy being in your vicinity (or elsewhere) and contribute# any amount you wish, to that needy being. Whatever you contribute to that being would be the same as contributing to me. Thanks. If at all possible, kindly email me of any such contribution# you made.

    • (#) For one such instance of a noble contribution by a kind-hearted person (Sri Ram Bommakanti) to a needy entity (The Salvation Army), please see mail correspondence (between me and Mr. Ram Bommakanti), pasted at the end of this page. I have shared this correspondence in the only hope that it will serve as an inspiration to you, to contribute to the needy. In this connection, please see Mr Sundaram Balasubramanian's mails also here.

    • Please do not mistake my above request to mean that I am pretty rich and hence declining your contributions. It is definitely not that way. On the contrary, I am indeed in need of more than one resource, but, for the moment, I wish you to act as per my above request only. If you still doubt my intentions, to allay any such doubts, kindly be assured that in case of any urgent monetary need in future, I shall definitely contact^ you and you can contribute to the extent you can, at that point of time. Even the smallest of contributions from you at that point of time in future will be gladly accepted and greatly appreciated.
      (^) in case you have phoned/emailed me and given your contacts and firm support in this regard.

    • For the information of all, I do not earn anything monetarily, in any way, from any source. Of course, I do earn the invaluable love and wishes of users from across the globe.

    • And again, for the information of all, I am not funded by any entity, of any kind, to develop any of my 'Azhagi' free products.

    • In the above connection, please read motto-love-all-serve-all-help-ever-hurt-never.php, without fail.

  • If you still wish to help me personally in some or other way, as of now, kindly please see (as and when your time/situation permits) the requests below, fully.
    • I request you to please read inno-help.php and inno.php.

    • I started using MS Office 2007 'Home and Student' edition itself only in 2014 or so. It was after its licensed CD was lovingly given to me by (LATE)Sri AK Rajagoplan Sir - editor of www.mazhalaigal.com. He gave it to me when he bought a newer Office product (Office 2013, if I remember right). Earlier to 2014, I was using only MS Office 2002, bought and given to me by a benevolent relative (Sri. Raghavendra) of mine. Great if somebody could afford to provide me such older licensed CDs of Microsoft Office (or any other software product [for e.g., Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, CorelDraw, etc.] for that matter) which they feel that they won't be using any longer. It will be of IMMENSE use as I have to test the operation of Azhagi+ in various versions (the latest, the better) of Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, etc. Users ask queries in these software regularly and that's why I need access to these software. So, I would be very very grateful if somebody can do this much. At least this much I can accept. As regards Adobe products, I have just used their official one-week trial versions only, so far. Tough times indeed for sincere developers like me in this world! Extremely tough. In my most humble opinion, applications such as these should be mandatorily made available for the authors of long-standing and societally immensely beneficial software like Azhagi. I have written about this in detail at inno-help.php. Those interested can read.

      NOTE-1: I have Office 365 itself, since 18-Jan-2021, thanks to a supremely loving offer from dear brother Shri. Imthiyas Mohamed. Thanks a TON, Thanka a TON, Thanks a TON to dear brother. In adoration of his LOVE, ever.

      Note-2: I have Office 2010 'Home and Student' licensed edition too, since 2020, given to me by my dear 2nd sister.

      Note-3: Thanks a TON to Mr Mohanan G sir for couriering a USB-installable 'Windows 10 Home' pack in December 2019.

      Note-4: Thanks a TON to Sri Raguveeradayal sir for gifting a 'Windows 10 Pro' key in August 2020. Sir told me later that he wanted to gift a Office 2019 key only (as a surprise) but by mistake ordered for the Windows 10 Pro key.

    • Kindly please see azhagi.com/indic

    • Kindly feel free to send your comments, suggestions, etc. for enhancing Azhagi or Azhagi+.

    • Please see azhagi.com/all/jana and azhagi.com/all/anthony.

    • Please read azhagi.com/author.php and Azhagi - in Wikipedia - in English and Azhagi - in Wikipedia - in Tamil.

Please note

Apart from free support, etc. related to Azhagi/Azhagi+, whenever I felt it was/is possible, I have offered my help and keep offering my help, to the little extent I can - to a few different entities, in a few different ways. Please see sos.php in this regard.


From: Ram Bommakanti
To: Sri Vishwanathan
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2011 8:16 AM
Subject: RE: sending again - Fw: SriRama - need small help sir - thanks - SriRama


Per your wish, $250 {dollars two hundred fifty} were donated to 'Salvation Army' today.



From: Ram Bommakanti
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: sending again - Fw: SriRama - need small help sir - thanks - SriRama
Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2011 09:49:24 -0800


Dear Sir:

... .. . My eyes moisten as I see your request to donate to the needy in my neighborhood - I will do so sir ...
... .. .


From: [email protected]
To: Ram Bommakanti
Subject: Re: sending again - Fw: SriRama - need small help sir - thanks - SriRama
Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2011 12:26:43 +0530

Jai Sairam.

Dear Sir,

My humble namaskarams - to the divinity in you and everybody else.
... .. .
Thanks for all your very kind words. ... .. .

Coming to your request , kindly please refer to https://azhagi.com/contacts.php and the 'Your contribution:' section in it. Basically, it requests you to kindly please read the following page, as and when your tims (time/interest/mood/situation) permits.
... .. .
Jai Sairam.

Lots of Love and Kind Regards
viswanathan :: azhagi.com/indic :: service to mankind
The realised ones say: "Self-realisation is (shall be) the ultimate (the one and only) goal of one's life."

From: Ram Bommakanti
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2011 10:00 AM
Subject: RE: sending again - Fw: SriRama - need small help sir - thanks - SriRama


Dear Vishwanathan garu:
... .. .
May I request that you kindly accept some payment from me for this software service you are providing to me? As a principle, I try not to take anything free. And now that these are spiritual slokas and poems I am collecting - I feel obliged. I can send money in whatever fashion you prefer. For example, I can send through SBI draft Indian rupees.

I request you not to think that I am trying to "buy" your noble heart - on the contrary, this would only be a token of my appreciation for your kindness to me. If you are not comfortable specifying an amount, I can send whatever Lord Siva wills - you can in that case specify your details.

I myself reside in ... but I can also request my friends in India to remit in rupees by any other means as well.

I await your directions.



From: Ram Bommakanti
To: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, December 26, 2011 10:13 AM
Subject: SriRama - need small help sir - thanks - SriRama


Dear Sir:

Firstly, please accept my heartfelt respects and gratitude for all the good work done by your program. ... .. . I pray to Lord Siva for your complete Bliss and wish you much success.

I am composing some spiritual poems and slokas in TELUGU and your program is truly a Godsend.

... .. .



From: S Balasubramanian
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 5:54 AM

Dear Sri Visvanathan,

... .. . Using your {Azhagi} I created www.tamizhkavyathedal.com. ... .. .

As per your instructions, I take all the collections for charity straightaway.

God bless you and your family.


From: S Balasubramanian
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 7:44 PM

Dear Sri Visvanathan,

... .. . Without your Azhagi, my website www.tamizhkavyathedal.com would not have seen the light of the day. ... .. . We pray for your success.

God Bless you and your family.

Azhagi - God's Own Apps - Videos
Videos on On Tamil typing using Azhagi+
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Videos on SITA (SaiIndira TAmil) Self-Typing fonts
SITA fonts - Unique and first of their kind - Click here for full details
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Videos On Indic typing using Azhagi+
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Videos on AAW, AAE
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Videos on Azhagi++
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Video on Alt+3 vs Alt+4
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na=ந, ee=ஈ, oo=ஊ
wa=ந, ee=ஏ, oo=ஓ
Videos on Portable Azhagi+
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