first release - 2023
first release - 2022
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first release - 2011
first release - 2000


Mappings - Devanagari - Vedic - All

This page is related to my facebook post here -

For the EXCEL file, click here to download it.

    NOTE-1: You need to download and install Siddhantha font from , in order to view all the characters in the Excel file.

    NOTE-2: There are totally 6 (SIX) sheets in this Excel document and the last one is the most important one. This last sheet's name may not be visible at the bottom (in the list of sheet names) when you open the file. So, click on the appropriate arrow at the bottom to make it visible and thus accessible.

For the 4 XML files, please see the following:
  • AzhagiPlus-Devanagari-Unicode-PhoneticTransliteration2.xml
    Click here
  • AzhagiPlus-Devanagari-Unicode-PhoneticTransliteration3.xml
    Click here
  • AzhagiPlus-Devanagari-Unicode-UserDefinedPhonetics2.xml
    Click here
  • AzhagiPlus-Devanagari-Unicode-UserDefinedPhonetics3.xml
    Click here
  • Download all of the above 4 XMLs as a zip file
    Click here

    NOTE-1: To start typing all of the Devanagari/Vedic extended characters, follow the usual procedure. i.e. close Azhagi+ fully, extract (from the zip file) one or more of the above files and place them in the "...\...\Azhagi+\azXMLs\" directory of Azhagi+, start Azhagi+, click/highlight your required LFK (say 'Devanagari+Unicode+PhoneticTransliteration3'), open your external application (MS-Word for example), press the global hotkey (f10 or f11 or whatever it is set to in your system) and start typing. That is all to it. In case you are new to Azhagi+, then please see detailed steps at

    NOTE-2: If you need to type 'virama' under consonants, then rename the 'Language' part of the above files suitably so that you have any name other than 'Devanagari' for 'Language'. For instance, you can have 'Sanskrit' or 'Vedic', instead of 'Devanagari'. Example name for such a renamed file: AzhagiPlus-Sanskrit-Unicode-PhoneticTransliteration3.xml

For the 4 screenshots, please see the following:
  • Devanagari

  • Devanagari Extended

    Note: The "Devanagari Extended" characters are not getting displayed in "Azhagi's Font Viewer". So, please refer to the EXCEL file alone for these characters.

  • Vedic Extensions

  • Vedic Characters - in PUA (Private Use Area)

All Devanagari/Vedic extended characters
  • Text below depicts all Devanagari/Vedic extended characters (along with vowel signs, etc.) typed using Azhagi+.
  • The characters have been typed both as standalone characters and also as united with the character स.
  • The first column shows the mappings used to type these characters.
NOTE: Apart from the extended Devanagari/Vedic characters, the mappings below include vowel signs, etc. too. This is just to ensure that effectively I have not left out any Devanagari (normal or extended) character from having a mapping. I have typed the following Devanagari/Vedic extended characters using this particular XML file - I have created this XML file by appending the following 100+ mappings to the existing Devanagari XML files of Azhagi+ only. So, using Azhagi+, one can now not only type normal Sanskrit but also type ALL the additional/extended swaras/characters.
~!! ᳐ ᳐ स᳐ s7376 ᳐ <!-- VEDIC TONE KARSHANA --> ~!@ ᳑ ᳑ स᳑ s7377 ᳑ <!-- VEDIC TONE SHARA --> ~!# ᳒ ᳒ स᳒ s7378 ᳒ <!-- VEDIC TONE PRENKHA --> ~!$ ᳓ ᳓ स᳓ s7379 ᳓ <!-- VEDIC SIGN NIHSHVASA --> ~!% ᳔ ᳔ स᳔ s7380 ᳔ <!-- VEDIC SIGN YAJURVEDIC MIDLINE SVARITA --> ~!^ ᳕ ᳕ स᳕ s7381 ᳕ <!-- VEDIC TONE YAJURVEDIC AGGRAVATED INDEPENDENT SVARITA --> ~!& ᳖ ᳖ स᳖ s7382 ᳖ <!-- VEDIC TONE YAJURVEDIC INDEPENDENT SVARITA --> ~!* ᳗ ᳗ स᳗ s7383 ᳗ <!-- VEDIC TONE YAJURVEDIC KATHAKA INDEPENDENT SVARITA --> ~!( ᳘ ᳘ स᳘ s7384 ᳘ <!-- VEDIC TONE CANDRA BELOW --> ~!) ᳙ ᳙ स᳙ s7385 ᳙ <!-- Vedic Tone Yajurvedic Kathaka Independent Svarita Schroeder --> ~@! ᳚ ᳚ स᳚ s7386 ᳚ <!-- VEDIC TONE DOUBLE SVARITA --> ~@@ ᳛ ᳛ स᳛ s7387 ᳛ <!-- VEDIC TONE TRIPLE SVARITA --> ~@# ᳜ ᳜ स᳜ s7388 ᳜ <!-- VEDIC TONE KATHAKA ANUDATTA --> ~@$ ᳝ ᳝ स᳝ s7389 ᳝ <!-- VEDIC TONE DOT BELOW --> ~@% ᳞ ᳞ स᳞ s7390 ᳞ <!-- VEDIC TONE TWO DOTS BELOW --> ~@^ ᳟ ᳟ स᳟ s7391 ᳟ <!-- VEDIC TONE THREE DOTS BELOW --> ~@& ᳠ ᳠ स᳠ s7392 ᳠ <!-- VEDIC TONE RIGVEDIC KASHMIRI INDEPENDENT SVARITA --> ~@* ᳡ ᳡ स᳡ s7393 ᳡ <!-- VEDIC TONE ATHARVAVEDIC INDEPENDENT SVARITA --> ~@( ᳢ ᳢ स᳢ s7394 ᳢ <!-- VEDIC SIGN VISARGA SVARITA --> ~@) ᳣ ᳣ स᳣ s7395 ᳣ <!-- VEDIC SIGN VISARGA UDATTA --> ~#! ᳤ ᳤ स᳤ s7396 ᳤ <!-- VEDIC SIGN REVERSED VISARGA UDATTA --> ~#@ ᳥ ᳥ स᳥ s7397 ᳥ <!-- VEDIC SIGN VISARGA ANUDATTA --> ~## ᳦ ᳦ स᳦ s7398 ᳦ <!-- VEDIC SIGN REVERSED VISARGA ANUDATTA --> ~#$ ᳧ ᳧ स᳧ s7399 ᳧ <!-- VEDIC SIGN VISARGA UDATTA WITH TAIL --> ~#% ᳨ ᳨ स᳨ s7400 ᳨ <!-- VEDIC SIGN VISARGA ANUDATTA WITH TAIL --> ~#^ ᳩ ᳩ सᳩ s7401 ᳩ <!-- VEDIC SIGN ANUSVARA ANTARGOMUKHA --> ~#& ᳪ ᳪ सᳪ s7402 ᳪ <!-- VEDIC SIGN ANUSVARA BAHIRGOMUKHA --> ~#* ᳫ ᳫ सᳫ s7403 ᳫ <!-- VEDIC SIGN ANUSVARA VAMAGOMUKHA --> ~#( ᳬ ᳬ सᳬ s7404 ᳬ <!-- VEDIC SIGN ANUSVARA VAMAGOMUKHA WITH TAIL --> ~#) ᳭ ᳭ स᳭ s7405 ᳭ <!-- VEDIC SIGN TIRYAK --> ~$! ᳮ ᳮ सᳮ s7406 ᳮ <!-- VEDIC SIGN HEXIFORM LONG ANUSVARA --> ~$@ ᳯ ᳯ सᳯ s7407 ᳯ <!-- VEDIC SIGN LONG ANUSVARA --> ~$# ᳰ ᳰ सᳰ s7408 ᳰ <!-- VEDIC SIGN RTHANG LONG ANUSVARA --> ~$$ ᳱ ᳱ सᳱ s7409 ᳱ <!-- VEDIC SIGN ANUSVARA UBHAYATO MUKHA --> ~$% ᳲ ᳲ सᳲ s7410 ᳲ <!-- VEDIC SIGN ARDHAVISARGA --> ~$^ ᳳ ᳳ सᳳ s7411 ᳳ <!-- VEDIC SIGN ROTATED ARDHAVISARGA --> ~$& ᳴ ᳴ स᳴ s7412 ᳴ <!-- VEDIC TONE CANDRA ABOVE --> ~$* ᳵ ᳵ सᳵ s7413 ᳵ <!-- VEDIC SIGN JIHVAMULIYA --> ~$( ᳶ ᳶ सᳶ s7414 ᳶ <!-- VEDIC SIGN UPADHMANIYA --> ~$) ᳸ ᳸ स᳸ s7416 ᳸ <!-- VEDIC TONE RING ABOVE --> ~%! ᳹ ᳹ स᳹ s7417 ᳹ <!-- VEDIC TONE DOUBLE RING ABOVE --> ~%@ ꣠ ꣠ स꣠ s43232 ꣠ <!-- COMBINING DEVANAGARI DIGIT ZERO --> ~%# ꣡ ꣡ स꣡ s43233 ꣡ <!-- COMBINING DEVANAGARI DIGIT ONE --> ~%$ ꣢ ꣢ स꣢ s43234 ꣢ <!-- COMBINING DEVANAGARI DIGIT TWO --> ~%% ꣣ ꣣ स꣣ s43235 ꣣ <!-- COMBINING DEVANAGARI DIGIT THREE --> ~%^ ꣤ ꣤ स꣤ s43236 ꣤ <!-- COMBINING DEVANAGARI DIGIT FOUR --> ~%& ꣥ ꣥ स꣥ s43237 ꣥ <!-- COMBINING DEVANAGARI DIGIT FIVE --> ~%* ꣦ ꣦ स꣦ s43238 ꣦ <!-- COMBINING DEVANAGARI DIGIT SIX --> ~%( ꣧ ꣧ स꣧ s43239 ꣧ <!-- COMBINING DEVANAGARI DIGIT SEVEN --> ~%) ꣨ ꣨ स꣨ s43240 ꣨ <!-- COMBINING DEVANAGARI DIGIT EIGHT --> ~^! ꣩ ꣩ स꣩ s43241 ꣩ <!-- COMBINING DEVANAGARI DIGIT NINE --> ~^@ ꣪ ꣪ स꣪ s43242 ꣪ <!-- COMBINING DEVANAGARI LETTER A --> ~^# ꣫ ꣫ स꣫ s43243 ꣫ <!-- COMBINING DEVANAGARI LETTER U --> ~^$ ꣬ ꣬ स꣬ s43244 ꣬ <!-- COMBINING DEVANAGARI LETTER KA --> ~^% ꣭ ꣭ स꣭ s43245 ꣭ <!-- COMBINING DEVANAGARI LETTER NA --> ~^^ ꣮ ꣮ स꣮ s43246 ꣮ <!-- COMBINING DEVANAGARI LETTER PA --> ~^& ꣯ ꣯ स꣯ s43247 ꣯ <!-- COMBINING DEVANAGARI LETTER RA --> ~^* ꣰ ꣰ स꣰ s43248 ꣰ <!-- COMBINING DEVANAGARI LETTER VI --> ~^( ꣱ ꣱ स꣱ s43249 ꣱ <!-- COMBINING DEVANAGARI SIGN AVAGRAHA --> ~^) ꣲ ꣲ सꣲ s43250 ꣲ <!-- DEVANAGARI SIGN SPACING CANDRABINDU --> ~&! ꣳ ꣳ सꣳ s43251 ꣳ <!-- DEVANAGARI SIGN CANDRABINDU VIRAMA --> ~&@ ꣴ ꣴ सꣴ s43252 ꣴ <!-- DEVANAGARI SIGN DOUBLE CANDRABINDU VIRAMA --> ~&# ꣵ ꣵ सꣵ s43253 ꣵ <!-- DEVANAGARI SIGN CANDRABINDU TWO --> ~&$ ꣶ ꣶ सꣶ s43254 ꣶ <!-- DEVANAGARI SIGN CANDRABINDU THREE --> ~&% ꣷ ꣷ सꣷ s43255 ꣷ <!-- DEVANAGARI SIGN CANDRABINDU AVAGRAHA --> ~&^ ꣸ ꣸ स꣸ s43256 ꣸ <!-- DEVANAGARI SIGN PUSHPIKA --> ~&& ꣹ ꣹ स꣹ s43257 ꣹ <!-- DEVANAGARI GAP FILLER --> ~&* ꣺ ꣺ स꣺ s43258 ꣺ <!-- DEVANAGARI CARET --> ~&( ꣻ ꣻ सꣻ s43259 ꣻ <!-- DEVANAGARI HEADSTROKE --> ~&) ꣼ ꣼ स꣼ s43260 ꣼ <!-- DEVANAGARI SIGN SIDDHAM --> ~*! ꣽ ꣽ सꣽ s43261 ꣽ <!-- DEVANAGARI JAIN OM --> ~*@ ऀ ऀ सऀ s2304 ऀ <!-- DEVANAGARI SIGN INVERTED CANDRABINDU --> ~*# ऄ ऄ सऄ s2308 ऄ <!-- DEVANAGARI LETTER SHORT A --> ~*$ ऺ ऺ सऺ s2362 ऺ <!-- DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN OE --> ~*% ऻ ऻ सऻ s2363 ऻ <!-- DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN OOE --> ~*^ ़ ़ स़ s2364 ़ <!-- DEVANAGARI SIGN NUKTA --> ~*& ॎ ॎ सॎ s2382 ॎ <!-- DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN PRISHTHAMATRA E --> ~** ॏ ॏ सॏ s2383 ॏ <!-- DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN AW --> ~*( ॕ ॕ सॕ s2389 ॕ <!-- DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN CANDRA LONG E --> ~*) ॖ ॖ सॖ s2390 ॖ <!-- DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN UE --> ~(! ॗ ॗ सॗ s2391 ॗ <!-- DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN UUE --> ~(@ ॢ ॢ सॢ s2402 ॢ <!-- DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC L --> ~(# ॣ ॣ सॣ s2403 ॣ <!-- DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC LL --> ~($ ॰ ॰ स॰ s2416 ॰ <!-- DEVANAGARI ABBREVIATION SIGN --> ~(% ॱ ॱ सॱ s2417 ॱ <!-- DEVANAGARI SIGN HIGH SPACING DOT --> ~(^ ॲ ॲ सॲ s2418 ॲ <!-- DEVANAGARI LETTER CANDRA A --> ~(& ॳ ॳ सॳ s2419 ॳ <!-- DEVANAGARI LETTER OE --> ~(* ॴ ॴ सॴ s2420 ॴ <!-- DEVANAGARI LETTER OOE --> ~(( ॵ ॵ सॵ s2421 ॵ <!-- DEVANAGARI LETTER AW --> ~() ॶ ॶ सॶ s2422 ॶ <!-- DEVANAGARI LETTER UE --> ~)! ॷ ॷ सॷ s2423 ॷ <!-- DEVANAGARI LETTER UUE --> ~)@ ॸ ॸ सॸ s2424 ॸ <!-- DEVANAGARI LETTER MARWARI DDA --> ~)# ॹ ॹ सॹ s2425 ॹ <!-- DEVANAGARI LETTER ZHA --> ~)$ ॺ ॺ सॺ s2426 ॺ <!-- DEVANAGARI LETTER HEAVY YA --> ~)% ॻ ॻ सॻ s2427 ॻ <!-- DEVANAGARI LETTER GGA --> ~)^ ॼ ॼ सॼ s2428 ॼ <!-- DEVANAGARI LETTER JJA --> ~)& ॽ ॽ सॽ s2429 ॽ <!-- DEVANAGARI LETTER GLOTTAL STOP --> ~)* ॾ ॾ सॾ s2430 ॾ <!-- DEVANAGARI LETTER DDDA --> ~)( ॿ ॿ सॿ s2431 ॿ <!-- DEVANAGARI LETTER BBA --> ~)) ा ा सा s2366 ा <!-- DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN AA --> ~_! ि ि सि s2367 ि <!-- DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN I --> ~_@ ी ी सी s2368 ी <!-- DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN II --> ~_# ु ु सु s2369 ु <!-- DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN U --> ~_$ ू ू सू s2370 ू <!-- DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN UU --> ~_% ृ ृ सृ s2371 ृ <!-- DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC R --> ~_^ ॄ ॄ सॄ s2372 ॄ <!-- DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC RR --> ~_& ॅ ॅ सॅ s2373 ॅ <!-- DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN CANDRA E --> ~_* ॆ ॆ सॆ s2374 ॆ <!-- DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN SHORT E --> ~_( े े से s2375 े <!-- DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN E --> ~_) ै ै सै s2376 ै <!-- DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN AI --> ~+! ॉ ॉ सॉ s2377 ॉ <!-- DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN CANDRA O --> ~+@ ॊ ॊ सॊ s2378 ॊ <!-- DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN SHORT O --> ~+# ो ो सो s2379 ो <!-- DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN O --> ~+$ ौ ौ सौ s2380 ौ <!-- DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN AU --> ~+% ् ् स् s2381 ् <!-- DEVANAGARI SIGN VIRAMA --> ~~! स ~~@ स ~~# स ~~$ स ~~% स ~~^ स ~~& स ~~* स ~~( स
IMPORTANT NOTE: Using Azhagi+, one can already type the following characters ॥ - DANDA / purna viram । - DOUBLE DANDA / deergh viram ः - VISARGA ँ - VEDIC TONE CANDRABINDU / anunasika ऽ - AVAGRAHA ॑ - VEDIC TONE UDATTA / SVARITA ॒ - VEDIC TONE ANUDATTA ॓ - DEVANAGARI GRAVE ACCENT ॔ - DEVANAGARI ACUTE ACCENT The above 9 characters (Danda, Avagraha, Udatta, Anudatta, etc.) seem to be enough for people doing normal Sanskrit work. But, for those who do some extra specialized work in Sanskrit, various extended characters are needed. Each user has a need to type his own set of extended Vedic characters. That is why I created extra mappings (around 100) and put them up in this page (same as at so that hereafter every user can type any of the extended vedic characters he/she needs. So, the basic work is already one. User can already type ALL the Vedic characters he/she needs, using Azhagi+. The only help needed now is for someone to let me know what are the most used of the 100 extended characters so that I will place the mappings for these most used characters at the top of the mappings list. Of course, users (if they wish to) can suggest their own key mappings too for these 100 extended characters.

Azhagi - God's Own App
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