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Honoring the 'WORK' . Not the 'person'

Background behind this page

There were instances in the past of calls/messages to me informing me of one or other entity's desire to felicitate me with an award. Once it was from a foundation, once it was from a sangam and once it was from a person associated with conducting a certain conference. There were strong desires expressed by some ardent azhagi user-wellwishers too, now and then, very lovingly, that I should be felicitated with an award at a high level. At all those instances, I had very politely expressed my disinclination for awards. In certain cases, I had to take extra effort to explain my humble standpoint in this regard so that my humble standpoint was properly understood, in the correct perspective. Today (23-Feb-2024), after reading this loving message from Azhagi user-wellwisher கவிஞர் திரு. கலைஞானி (அனிச்சமலர் மாத இதழ்), I thought I will place the explanation for my very humble standpoint herein in this page itself so that hereafter it is easier for anyone to understand my humble standpoint and also take it forward to the posterity. Because, if the future generations understand my humble standpoint on awards and imbibe it in their hearts, it will do a great service for our world society, I humbly feel. SatKarmas will get effected more and more in a completely altruistic manner with 'no trace of doership' (true to the meaning of the word 'SatKarma'), I firmly believe.

Just my own personal humble thoughts

All that I have written below are just my own personal humble thoughts. I am aware that all may not agree with all of what I have written hereunder. I accept the same. Thank you.

Very Very Humbly Yours - viswanathan


SatKarma, as one may know, is good deed which is done without expecting/getting anything (whatsoever) in return and without any sense of doership. Actually, as per my humble understanding of our scriptures (for instance, Maha Ramayanam (Yoga Vasishta)), the person exists never (as a 'body-mind-breath-intellect-experiencer' bundle). However, as Atma(GOD), the person exists ever (eternally). 'Atma', in other words is Truth. Truth means SAT. So, I consider SatKarma as 'Karma' which emanates from the 'Sat' (the true eternal spirit, which has nothing to do with our so-called 'body-mind-breath-intellect-experiencer' bundle at all). So, there is no place for 'the doer' or the 'sense of doership', when it comes to SatKarma.

"ஒரு செயலை 'நான் செய்கிறேன்' என்ற மமதை எண்ணம் போய்விட்டால் அதுவே பகவானுக்கு நாம் செலுத்தும் நமஸ்காரம்தான்!" - ஸ்ரீ மஹா பெரியவா

"We can be good, and can do good, only when we act and live in the exalted state which is bereft of the egoistic notion of actorship. Real good flows out of us, only when we have transcended the individual sense and have come to dwell in the supreme and universal consciousness of God." - Swami Ramdas

An individual should not be (and cannot be) awarded

Since one's Divine spirit is the base for 'SatKarmas' to be happening, neither the individual nor the spirit can be awarded. Because, the individual is a non-doer and he never even exists, as such. So, the so-called individual (a non-existing one, as body) can never be awarded. And, the spirit is an attributesless entity, eternally. So, it cannot be awarded either, obviously.

"A mere five-minute inquiry will convince you that you are not the body or the senses, the mind or the intelligence, the name or the form, but that you are the Atma Itself, the same Atma that appears as all this variety." - Beloved Baba

Can one award the SUN for His selfless activities?

I was just thinking of the SUN. Can we think of awarding the Sun for His tireless continuous selfless activities? All that we can do is to keep on spreading the news of the Sun's multitude of benefits. Is it not? And, unmindful of any award/reward, the Sun will keep on showering His benefits, day in and day out. That is the Sun's nature. Is it not? The Sun was/is not expecting anything at all in return for all His SatKarma. And, the Sun will not expect anything at all, at any time, in future too, for any of His SatKarmas. Is it not?

Sun and SatKarmas

So, what to do with the concept of awards?

In my very own humble personal opinion, if any entity feels like honoring an individual with an award, the best way to do the same would be to honour the individual's work (SatKarma). And, the bestEST way to honour one's SatKarma would be to spread the news of the individual's SatKarma as much as one can, in as many ways as one can.

Do all the good you can
By all the means you can
In all the ways you can
In all the places you can
At all the times you can
To all the people you can
As long as ever you can
- John Wesley

In what all ways can a SatKarma's news be spread?

Please see azhagi.com/spread.php - I have listed many ways. If you come to think of any other way, then kindly inform me. I shall add the same too in the aforesaid page.

What is that I ultimately aim for?

Self-Realisation, and nothing else, because that is the greatest/ultimate service one can render to the society, according to our Mahans.

"The goal of every life is knowing the Supreme, that is, attaining liberation; there can be no second aim."
- Beloved Baba

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.”
- Sri Ramana Maharshi

Perhaps, many would be surprised to know that Shri. Mahatma Gandhiji had said as follows too:
"What I want to achieve - what I have been striving and pining to achieve these thirty years - is self-realization, to see God face to face, to attain Moksha. I live and move and have my being in pursuit of this goal." (Source: https://www.mkgandhi-sarvodaya.org/autointro.htm

Does it mean that I do not have any attachment, whatsoever, with 'Azhagi' free apps?

Yes, I do not have any attachment, whatsoever. I wish an established entity takes ownership of Azhagi Free Apps, sooner than later (under the condition that they keep them free for ever). I have written about it in full detail here - inno-help.php#take-ownership. I really wish interested ones read not only the 'take ownership' section but the whole of the inno-help.php page (hosted first way back in 2009 or so).

Do I have a web page of my own on my 'Self-realisation' journey so far?

Yes, I have. Interested ones can visit azhagi.com/self-realisation.php. It is a very detailed page wherein I have written a lot. It has links to very many of my 'Quora' answers (related to Spirituality) too.

Will I keep updating this web page, in future?

Yes, whenever I can, I shall. Today (23-Feb-2024), I just quickly drafted this page with some needed contents so that 'கவிஞர் திரு. கலைஞானி' FULLY understands my noble intention (for the spiritual prosperity of the future generations) and does all that he can, to spread the news of Azhagi free apps, as well as to get across the NOBLE MESSAGE in this page, to as many as possible. If, by his efforts (and as a chain reaction, by many in the future), if at least one person in the times to come does SatKarma, in its truest sense, that itself will be of immense Blessings to this Prapanjam (Cosmos). And if that one person eventually attains Self-realisation itself, nothing like it.

The desire of some Azhagi user-wellwishers in the past that I should be felicitated/awarded - My replies for the same

I am sure that for those who are spiritually motivated already, all that I have said in this page (incl. all my replies below to loving user-wellwishers, wherein I have humbly beseeched time and again, that an individual shall never be awarded) will appeal to them immediately, spontaneously.

1. https://www.facebook.com/groups/Azhagi/posts/4379958438710349/?comment_id=4380965401942986 ( June 8, 2021)
Spread the news of SatKarmas

1a. https://www.facebook.com/groups/Azhagi/posts/4579512282088296/?comment_id=4582555618450629&reply_comment_id=4585322098173981 (Aug 18, 2021)
Spread the news of SatKarmas

2. Source: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Azhagi/permalink/942376315801929/?comment_id=980652205307673 (July 17, 2015)
Spread the news of SatKarmas

3. https://www.facebook.com/groups/Azhagi/permalink/945911622115065/?comment_id=946149672091260 ( May 16, 2015 )
Spread the news of SatKarmas

Thanks a TON to Mr. Siva

Thanks a TON to Mr. Siva who has now become the root cause for this page to have emerged today (23-Feb-2024), through his post here - https://www.facebook.com/groups/Azhagi/posts/7580507995322028/. I feel like Lord Sri Shiva Himself has lovingly created this page for the IMMENSE benefit of all of the posterity, in much the same way Lord Sri Vishnu and Lord Sri Brahma Themselves have given us the Supreme Spiritual treasure of MahaRamayana (Yoga Vasishta)

Just my own personal humble thoughts

All that I have written above are just my own personal humble thoughts. I am aware that all may not agree with all of what I have written above. I accept the same. Thank you.

Very Very Humbly Yours

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