


    Extended mappings

Extended mappings

·      Extended mappings further simplify and make typing a pleasure in Azhagi. For e.g., you can type certain English words like dear, meal, very, east, easy, gear, weary, greasy, feast, queen, quest, etc.,  just as they are in English, without needing to type them as diyar, meel, veri, etc. Further, kOlam can be typed as koalam or koelam also, sEval can be typed as saeval also, etc.

ae = E
saeval  =  sEval 
§ºÅø = §ºÅø

ia = iya
viappu   =  viyappu
Å¢ÂôÒ = Å¢ÂôÒ

ii = ee
miinjoor =  meenjoor
Á£ïÝ÷  = Á£ïÝ÷

uu = oo
muulakkadai = moolakkadai
ãÄ츨¼   = ãÄ츨¼

io = iO = iyO
valio        =  valiO       =  valiyO
ÅÄ¢§Â¡ = ÅÄ¢§Â¡ = ÅÄ¢§Â¡

ea = ee
east    = eest,    seat  = seet,  meal = meel,   freak   =  freek
®Šð = ®Šð,  º£ð  = º£ð,    Á£ø = Á£ø,    ·ôãì = ·ôãì

ea = iya ( when followed by 'r' )
dear   = diyar,    fear      =  fiyar,     clear     = cliyar
ÊÂ÷ = ÊÂ÷,  ·À¢Â÷ = ·À¢Â÷,  ìÄ¢Â÷ = ìÄ¢Â÷

ei = ey
seidhaan   =  seidhaan,   peidhadhu = peydhadhu
¦ºö¾¡ý = ¦ºö¾¡ý, ¦Àö¾Ð   = ¦Àö¾Ð

eo = eO = iyO
valikkaleo        = valikkaleO        = valikkaliyO
ÅÄ¢ì¸Ä¢§Â¡ = ÅÄ¢ì¸Ä¢§Â¡ = ÅÄ¢ì¸Ä¢§Â¡

oa = oe = O
koalam   = koelam   = kOlam
§¸¡Äõ = §¸¡Äõ = §¸¡Äõ

kaai, eei, thooimai, sEi,   pOi    = kaay, eey, thooymai, sEy, pOy
¸¡ö, ®ö, àö¨Á,   §ºö, §À¡ö

easy, very,   greasy, weary, sumathy  = eesi, veri, greeSi, wiyari, sumathi
®…¢,   ¦Åâ, ìã…¢,    Å¢Ââ,  ÍÁ¾¢

qu = kw
quAlity     =  kwAlity,     queen =  kween,  quest        =  kwest,        quatAr    = kwatAr
ìÅ¡Ä¢Ê = ìÅ¡Ä¢Ê,  ìÅ£ý = ìÅ£ý,   ì¦ÅŠð = ì¦ÅŠð,   ìż¡÷ = ìż¡÷

adhuve,  maname = adhuvE, manamE
«Ð§Å,  ÁɧÁ

adhuvo,   manamo = adhuvO, manamO
«Ð§Å¡, ÁɧÁ¡

·      You can type the above English texts in ETA of Azhagi, and learn for yourself the extended mappings. You can also copy and paste the above English texts in the ETA of Azhagi and get the Tamil equivalents in TTA instantly.

·      Note: To type ‘very’, ‘easy’, etc., just as you type in English (instead of veri, easi, etc), you should follow the words ‘very’, ‘easy’, etc with a non-alphabet, like space, question mark, comma etc. Similarly, for the egaram and ogaram at end of words (for e.g.: adhuve, adhuvo) to become their nedil counterpart (i.e. adhuvE, adhuvO), you should follow the words with a non-alphabet character, which most often would be a space, got by pressing your space bar.

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