


    What does Azhagi's Unicode converter tool do? How to operate it?

Azhagi's Unicode converters

·      Azhagi's 'Unicode Converters' help to convert Tamil text (in Tscii format) to Unicode and vice-versa.

·      For details on how to invoke and operate the 'Converters', click here.

Important Tips

·      Once you have generated Unicode Tamil text using Azhagi's Unicode convertors, you can copy/paste the Tamil text to any external application/window like WordPad, Outlook Express, Blogs, Gmail, Skype, Facebook, Online groups, etc.

·      If the pasted text does not appear correctly in certain applications like MS-Word, Notepad, etc., then it almost invariably means that your operating system is WinXP and that Unicode might have to be enabled fully.

·      To get to know how to enable Unicode fully in WinXP systems, click here.


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